
FAQ (Frequently Ask Question)

1. What and Who is Indonaker Mandiri ?
  Indonaker Mandiri is one of labors-distributor company from Indonesia States to foreign states.

2. Where is the Head Office of Indonaker Mandiri ?

  Indonaker Mandiri based at Malang city with some branch-offices in the other states, such as:

Head Office
Jl. Mangliawan 88, Wendit Barat
Malang 65154 - Jawa Timur Indonesia
Telp         : 62-341-791302, 791619, 791551
Fax          : 62-341-791552
e-mail      :

Taiwan Representative Office

234-2F, No.20, Lane 231, Sec. 2, Yung  Ho Rd., YUNG Ho City,
Taipei - Taiwan R.O.C.(106)
Telp    : (02) 29284326
Fax     : (02) 29285064

e-mail        :

Hongkong Representative Office
Flat D. 10/F. Central Mansion. 531 Jafe Road.
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Telp   : (852) 27084038
Fax    : (852) 28935029

e-mail         :

3. What is the vision of Indonaker Mandiri ?

  • Mission
    - To succeeding the government programs about mobilization of Indonesian-labors to other states.

    - To help the government with handling the problem about the unemployment that not accepted in Republic of Indonesia.

    - To succeeding one of the government programs about taking-poverty of Indonesian marginal people.

    - To succeeding the government programs in earning more state devise.


  • Visi
    - To expand the new of vocation for the Indonesian-labors.

    - To gained the ability of Indonesian-labors applicant with train and training programs, with education-curriculum that had-been given beside the technical-materiel about doing the jobs in other states, and also needed more materiel such as ability of speaking in foreign languages or the languages from the states that they work for, the law-knowledge of law-problems that related about labors protection.

    - To upgrade of the role and responsibility of the company in helping gained the society-welfare.

    - To gave protection for the Indonesian-labors which had been worked at the other states during the work-contract, while they were in the Indonesian-States or in the Foreign states.

4. How can you get ordered the labors that you needed from Indonaker Mandiri ?
  You could get connected with us at some branch office in the few other states such as :

Head Office
Jl. Mangliawan 88, Wendit Barat
Malang 65154 - Jawa Timur Indonesia
Telp         : 62-341-791302, 791619, 791551
Fax          : 62-341-791552
e-mail      :

Taiwan Representative Office

234-2F, No.20, Lane 231, Sec. 2, Yung  Ho Rd., YUNG Ho City,
Taipei - Taiwan R.O.C.(106)
Telp    : (02) 29284326
Fax     : (02) 29285064

e-mail        :

Hongkong Representative Office
Flat D. 10/F. Central Mansion. 531 Jafe Road.
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Telp   : (852) 27084038
Fax    : (852) 28935029

e-mail         :

5. Labors with some special ability which PT. Indonaker serve?

- Chauffer

- Waiter

- General Worker

- Food and Beverage

- Safety Guard

- Construction Worker

- Tailor

- Housemaid

- Caregiver
- Cooker
- Industry/Factory Operator
- Barber 

6. How to become one of labors applicant at PT.Indonaker ? What are the requirements ?

Minimal education that allowed :
- Junior High School

- Senior High School
- Project School

7. How about the attenuations of Visa and others documents ?

  All that needed for the attenuation of papers to others states such as Passport, Work-Contract, Work-Visa, Ticket, and participants labors social and healthy insurance became PT. Indonaker Mandiri responsibility after the labors applicant get passed or graduated from the selection proceed..

For detail information you can get connected us to our E-mail at [email protected]
or post services at our office or branch office at some few states.

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Copyright ©2001 Indonaker Mandiri, Powered By PT. Indonaker Mandiri